Sampling Hydrants
SAMPLING HYDRANTSpecial hydrants used to sample water quality for bacteria levels.
Sampling hydrants (or sampling stations) are designed to collect bacteriological samples, even in colder climates. Samples are taken at specific location points from the water main.
These sampling stations are used to determine water quality and help maintain safe drinking water supplies.
Sampling stations can help lower false positives, make collection times faster, and reduce liability issues in municipal water supplies.
Options are available for using sampling hydrants in extreme weather and subzero conditions.

Sampling Hydrant Benefits
- Low maintenance
- Long life
- Bacteria sampling
- Helps maintain water quality
- Corrosion resistant
- Easy to install
- Lead-Free
- ANSI/NSF 372
- Municipal Water Supply Water Sampling
- Bacteria Level Analysis of Water Supply
Sampling Hydrant Products
- Sampling Hydrants
- Sampling Hydrant Service Parts
- Fittings and Connections
Sampling Hydrant Resources and Product Information
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